How to Argue Critical Race Theory


If you are not aware how this “debate” came to be, read this as a quick primer. The villain of our story readily admits to you, the complete fabrication of, “Liberals are teaching CRT in schools!” was constructed as the culmination of a search for the most effective way to frame an important viewpoint for conservatives. It’s yet another RAGE INDUCER not based in reality. And oh, is there rage.

It is very similar in construction to the recently passed BLM=Marxism narrative, but more adept. It’s catchy. has a nice feel to it. They are similar in their goals, namely to stop social advancement. Similar in ridiculousness. Similar in half-baked construction. They both posit these faulty premises:

  1. Two things which have any similarity are thereby entirely similar.
  2. If a founder(s) of a theory or movement ever says or does anything untoward, in respect to that theory or movement, or in its absence, that theory or movement is now fruit of the poisoned tree.
  3. Any theory or movement which references source materials directly, or by the assumption of a third party through purposefully improper inference, that theory or movement is now a direct product of the referenced source material. Inseparable. Bound together forever and everrrrrrrrrr.

In both cases, from the Liberal point of view- the tidal wave of social movements are a response to a particular flashpoint. Both cases are decentralized groundswells and not the product of a mass conspiracy.

BLM marches and protests were almost entirely decentralized, of-the-moment, and had next to nothing to do with the organization BLM. Those marching under the moniker, Black Lives Matter, weren’t marching for Marxism no matter how much connecting-of-the-dots was feverishly undertaken. Any ideas forwarded by their founders, ideas cast as similar to Marxism, have nothing to do with the goals of those participating or the movement as a whole.

The desire of schools, institutions, businesses, and organizations to learn about systemic racism, quite literally has nothing to do with CRT. Any connecting of the dots, from Critical Theory to CRT to studies in systemic racism, which may or may not refer to underlying ideas in Critical Theory, does not mean studying systemic racism must needs be CRT. It doesn’t follow and is so effing convoluted.

Now those 3 points I mentioned above, haven’t even fully materialized yet in this make-believe CRT-in-K12 narrative, but they will. Because that is the next step. How successfully sustained this argument is depends on how Liberals respond to the narrative, and so far, they are doing poorly.

How to argue against the unfounded belief: “Liberals are teaching Critical Race Theory in K12 schools.”

They aren’t. No one is teaching CRT in any K12 system and no one plans on teaching CRT in K12. End of story.

Furthermore, no one will teach CRT in K12 ever. It might be outlined at some point, sure. Probably as a response to all the noise. “Why people went batshit crazy about CRT in the year 2021.” It will not be taught because it’s an effing dense theory meant for scholars, and in their case, there aren’t a ton of classes in it. It’s a very specific tool for very specific reasons, that is well beyond the ability of most children to understand let alone utilize.

If you haven’t wandered over to Wiki and taken a looksee at Critical Race Theory, go on. Git.

The next time someone says to you, “OMG Liberals are teaching CRT in K12!” You say, “no they ain’t, here’s a motherfucking link to a basic explanation of CRT, you go ahead and link me any K12 curriculum that has that shit listed. Couldn’t find one, oh. I guess that means I’m right. F off.”

Step #2, the part where Liberals are effing it up.

Don’t defend Critical Race Theory! That is exactly the position our original villain wants you to occupy. Don’t ya get it? Don’t defend its premise, don’t defend children learning it, don’t champion it as if it represents the umbrella term for all things concerning race, racism, ethnic studies, or systemic racism. It doesn’t. It is a specific tool for analyzing systemic racism, particularly in law. It isn’t a model of US History. It’s a method of evaluation taught in some Universities. It’s not the father of all things racism.

There is no reason to defend it. It is neither here nor there. The only reason our villain picked it, was because it comes with ready, built-in arguments that well-read conservatives love to chew on.

Some Liberal talking heads and politicians are already taking this position, ask them not to. It is not being taught in k12, and no one wants it taught in k12. It is not a useful tool in that setting. Force Conservatives to move on to their secondary arguments, the look-and-feel arguments outlined in the 3 points above. At this point they need to scramble to prove derivative arguments. If you want to know how painful those arguments are, and how far everyone needs to go in the weeds to prove their points, go look at some CRT debates on Youtube. Your ears will be bleeding within 10 minutes.

Encourage internet trolls and well read conservatives to go find a debate buddy to circle jerk with. You are not the one that needs to be convinced, the propagandists need to convince their own Trumpublicans to stay on the crazy train. Do you think any Trumpublican will want to listen to well read conservatives and graduate students spend 2-3 hours undertaking what is an essentially a philosophical argument with tons of references to the dusty tomes of ivory-tower intellectuals? Nope. These people haven’t even bothered to spend 5 minutes to learn the basics of what CRT is. You don’t have a horse in that race because no one is teaching CRT in K12!

If there seems to be any similarity between the current wave of interest in discussing systemic racism and CRT or original Critical Theory, it’s because they are dealing with the same subject. The analogy I use is: Three cars driving to different destinations in the same city, will see many of the same vistas, and even cross the same streets. That doesn’t mean: the same people are inside, they are traveling in the same direction, or arriving at the same destination. The 3 aren’t interrelated except for proximity. (CRT is directly related to Critical Theory).

Is it likely that some current or forthcoming class in systemic racism will mess up in some way? Abso-fucking-lutely. You are not interested in anecdotal evidence. No one is teaching CRT in K12.

Will some classes in systemic racism refer to some of the same source material from Critical Theory and CRT? Well of course. Conservatives want you to understand, the only way to examine systemic racism is with their own conservative belief system, or it couldn’t possibly yield the right information. The right information being: there is no such thing as systemic racism.


Here we go.

The Proud Boys have planned another one of their “free speech” rallies for Saturday 9/26. The latest installment of a Proud Boys “free speech” rally in Portland, in which all they are doing is promoting free speech, not looking for a confrontation…

Of course they are looking for a confrontation, that’s the whole damn point. They are looking for a confrontation, and they’ll find a confrontation as they do every time the Proud Boys have a “free speech” rally in Portland. This has been going on for years now.

It looks the same every time. 25 guys dressed in black with sticks and shields, walk down the streets of Portland, expressing their “free speech” attempting to irritate the onlookers into a fight. And there’s always more than enough people willing to give them exactly the fistfight they were looking for. There’s 500 guys *also* dressed in black with sticks and shields that arrived just for the fun of the inevitable confrontation.

I don’t know if you’ve ever seen one of these “events” but they are just fucking stupid.

There is no “point” successfully transmitted in these brawls. Honestly, there’s no difference in any of the participants. They are all fucking knuckleheads that want to enjoy a little fistfight action. No “point” has ever been proven, but the Proud Boys will keep trying until one is made.

However, this time, the stakes are quite a bit higher. Supposedly the number coming to “support” this Proud Boys “free speech” rally will be in the thousands. How many of those will recognize as armed militia? Similarly, it is certain the counter-protestors will be in the thousands, and how many of those will be armed?

This is exactly the set-up our “law and order” President hoped for, and I can guarantee AG Barr is rubbing his hands together in glee. It is easy to assume there will be several people shot. If the Portland authorities and state police, who have been gathering information on these events for years, have a worst-case scenario, crowd control plan, this right here is the time to enact it.

I will also assume that AG Barr has people closely watching this event, whether in person or by other means. One of Barr’s holy grails is to prove “Antifa” is a real thing, that is: It is organized nationally, funded, and directed to commit crimes. He will be in luck, because this time, there will actually be persons who identify, or have identifed as “Antifa”, whatever that means to them, that are present and involved in hostilities.

Barr will be watching, and praying one or more of these people will become physical with the Proud Boys, and had previously crossed state lines, communicated across state lines, or in any other way committed a connected, chargeable federal offense that he can attach to their counter-protest activity. Barr will then solemnly announce he has launched a federal investigation into the Antifa Terrorist Organization, and that all of the information he has gathered (probably an email like: “Dude, do you want to go to Portland?”), is truly stunning in scale.

We can also assume that Acting Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli’s favorite propaganda source, Andy Ngo, will be reporting activity from Portland. Everywhere he looks, everyone is going to be an Antifa/BLM terrorist, representing that well organized national group that does not exist. If Andy actually shows up in person, which is highly, highly doubtful, he will for sure get his ass kicked and grimly videotape the humiliation he has suffered at the hands of the socialist, communist, Antifa/BLM, looting, rioting, anarchist mob.

In all seriousness, this is not going to be good. Many people will be hurt and possibly, very badly. I pray to God Portland has some kind of master plan.

Quick update: since the time I typed this, supposedly only several 100 Proud Boys/their supporters showed up. They quickly marched, broke assembly, and left. I’m watching the steams right now. Everyone is relieved. I hope this is it, and that I entirely misjudged the probable results. I’ll pop back on if I catch anything new.

Murder in Portland, Trump’s Civil Unrest Dream Becoming Reality

The Trump administration announced Donald Trump will be visiting Kenosha, Wisconsin on Tuesday, September 2nd, in response to the unrest following the shooting of Jacob Blake. Unrest which involved organized protests, vandalism, destruction, and the murder of 2 people and injuring of another by stupid kid, Kyle Rittenhouse, thinking he was doing the righteous work that Donald Trump and the alt-right requested.

Trump’s visit is *not* to examine the causes of unrest or seek a resolution. No. The visit is to commend the police force and survey any damage done by rioting. Donald Trump does not want an end to the violence. He wants more of the violence. It is most likely he will not directly address, or address at any meaningful length, either the murders, or the causes of unrest in Kenosha, but will instead endorse the “tremendous” use of federal and local authorities to quell dissension. I fully expect that later, in a more comfortable cult setting, Donny will voice tacit approval of militias and/or individual gun owners taking the law into their own hands. One way or another, he will do it. This will happen.

Why? Because it suits his goals.

Antifa is BLM. BLM is all protestors. All protestors are extreme lefties. The extreme left runs the Democratic Party, therefore, we cannot elect a Democrat as President. True fact. If it takes a civil war to protect Donny’s rightful position as President, well then, that’s what should happen.

I had written of my concern recently; my fear that this is where the past events were cumulatively leading us, and it seems after tonight, we may have arrived.

Alt-right knucklehead, Joey Gibson also showed up in Portland tonight with his Patriot Prayer mob and ended up getting chased into a gas station where he wisely hid.

And…well, someone got shot and killed in Portland tonight. This video is a little rough, in both quality and content. I want to say, it appears to me, the guy in the white shirt, casually crosses street, shot dead a random person, and ran away. I want to say that because that is sure what it looks like. The video is very odd. Everything about it is odd. From the seeming non reaction of the guy who just happened to be there to shoot the video, to the inexplicable casualness of the skateboarder who literally rolled right into a crime scene as it was happening.

I also want to say, this event appears to be so random, I cannot attribute it to either protestors or the Trump truck brigade, but the thing is, that doesn’t matter. It is the violence itself in association to the left-right divide that is all that matters. It serves to prove whichever point is made most forcefully and effectively. And those points will be made, I promise you. It is similar to Kyle Rittenhouse’s murders. We don’t have all the facts in that case yet, but that doesn’t matter. The course was set as soon as it happened.

It is not only acceptable for Trump followers to wade into protestors, armed and looking for trouble, it’s required. This is how things must be. Protestors must take the appropriate counter-measures. They might as well be armed too. Be ever vigilant.

Now, if it turns out that the man who was shot and killed in Portland tonight, was wearing a BLM tee-shirt, or is similarly associated with the movement, or if he’s a member of the Trump truck brigade or “Patriot” group, well then, it’s on. Let’s start a civil war.

Trump’s America: Civil Unrest

I was beginning to close out my evening, last night, with this worry around the edges. Running through scenarios in my mind, drawn from a collage of unrelated scenes of atypical violent actions during protests.


-“Umbrella Man” pretends to be a BLM protestor, vandalizes a store in Minneapolis in order to incite further violence and strong reactions from police.

-The nightly Portland protests occasionally feature over-aggression that is declared a riot in an attempt to quell a snowball affect of total civil unrest. Last night, during Portland protests, Garrick Fernbaugh, an ex CIA special ops and Navy SEAL trainer wearing night vision apparently chucked no-frag pipe bombs at police and protesters in Portland, in an attempt to force confrontation to the next level. This is super creepy:

-Yesterday, during an organized march in support of police in Fort Collins, Utah, some counter-protestors were forced backwards by an overwhelming gang of rednecks, and beaten to a pulp in a goddamn ditch. This report has the stream of the event on it. It would have been an otherwise peaceful march, that seemed to have some good conversations between protestors and counter protestors, but this gang of motorcycle rednecks had a different idea about how this should go down.

There appears to be a growing ecosystem of paramilitary vigilantes creating all manner of nonsensical propaganda about the left…which targets folks already hopped-up on their daily Fox News diet about the coming end-days if Democrats win the White House and Senate.

Unconstrained Analytics.

American Contingency with garbage like this; the need to “help” police protect our American way:

-When I originally saw this black militia group, heavily armed and marching at Stone Mountain, Georgia, I was….disturbed. Personally, I don’t like guns at all. I don’t like to see people marching with guns on the streets of America. I don’t like any guns, period- so there’s that. But, the culmination of this march ending with one of their leaders daring any white-nationalist militia to come out and have a confrontation with them, is far beyond what I can accept. It’s neither thoughtful nor likely to solve any problems. As a matter of fact, it would be the opposite of a solution.

Now…I just finished watching about 5 hours straight of the out of control riots in Chicago.

I’m so tired, I should have gone to bed a long time ago, but I wanted to write this now.

I’m really concerned.

This wanton looting and destruction of Chicago is a nightmare. A nightmare of the first order. We’re not talking about protestors; we aren’t even talking about the downtrodden, crushed under Donald Trump’s version of America. Donald Trump led our country to this, but these thousands of looters did not need to follow.

I’ve just watched hours of streams, and I can accurately report to you, these are not protestors. They are not BLM, hell, they aren’t even pretend Antifa. These are opportunists getting some free stuff while they break, vandalize, and destroy everything in their paths, and it’s one big fucking laugh-riot party to them.


If you like, watch this sad stream from a guy riding around on his bike, documenting the insanity.

I saw several streams the looters themselves were streaming. How fucking stupid do you have to be? This twitter dude capped from a Facebook stream (I don’t mind typing the name of the original streamer, because I was watching that one, she’s the idiot that streamed it on Facebook -Taeshia Rochon).

Every stream I saw, everyone was super casual about the mayhem they were either witnessing or participating in.

Did I say that I was really concerned?

I am concerned this is going to snowball. This is exactly…exactly what Trump wants.

Do we need the National Guard in Chicago now? Is this what we are going to do? Are we in an endless series of escalation met with further escalation? Maybe now citizen activists participating, in either covert operations or overt militias, is really starting to make sense, to not just the alt-right, but maybe the left too?

Maybe this is too much connect-the-dots, but I have a bad feeling. Even with voter suppression, Russian help, and undermining the the postal system, I am still confident Donald Trump cannot win re-election, but what if he doesn’t have to win it to succeed? This madness is the ultimate expression of Donald Trump’s America. It’s his masterpiece of failed businesses.


Update: This is why I give liberals a hard time for over-reacting to initial claims/feelings. I take this tweet with a grain of salt too, but it does illustrate how emotions get the better of liberals too often. Of course the looters weren’t concerned with facts one way or the other. To them, this was merely cover.

Trump Wins in Portland

What happened was, the federal forces stopped interacting with protestors. That’s what happened at the Federal Courthouse. Whatever stormtroopers still remain, are the FPS employees that already had jobs at the courthouse before the rollout, and the unknown, unseen amount of PACT forces that stay holed-up at the Edith Green – Wendell Wyatt Federal Building the next block up.

What happened was, the State troopers, whom were supposed to take-up the arduous task of battling with the violent anarchists, haven’t been spotted in front of the courthouse in the 5 days since the Feds left…because there is nothing for them to police. Unless, you count the badass game of pickup basketball in front of the Courthouse last night.

The protests have reverted to what they were, which was small peaceful protest. Most of the action now, is with the local police over at the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office, the original organization that was the focus of the Portland protest’s ire.

As a refresher, the protests in front of the Justice Center, which is next to the Federal Courthouse, were practically nonexistent when the stormtroopers rolled in. The actions of those federal forces is what drew attention to the Federal Courthouse. No one cared about the Federal Courthouse prior to their arrival, as detailed in this post.

What “Trump won” wasn’t in Portland. It was a small piece of a national narrative he created along with his DHS political operative and campaign employees, Acting Secretary Chad Wolf and Acting Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli. That is, the nonsensical belief that the the BLM movement is synonymous with the shadowy organization Antifa, as outlined in this post.

Similarly, what has also been semi-successful as a narrative, is that BLM is a large, national, Marxist organization, with the stated beliefs in violent confrontation, removing all symbols of national “heritage”, and disintegration of all police forces. Which will of course lead to loss of “our” identity, and total anarchy.

Whereas the founders of the BlackLivesMatter hashtag, may in fact have had some Marxist beliefs, they don’t run a national organization. They created a loose network with some chapters, which are run entirely independent with basic, similar ideologies, but no comparable statements or tenants. Of the 13 listed US chapters:

1. 2+the founders organization, list defund the police (which is not abolish police).

2. 5 chapters haven’t update their sites in forever: DC-2018, Denver-2015, Nashville-2016, Philly-2018. Southbend-2019. I’m going to guess they aren’t particularly active.

3. Only 2 list a series of specific goals/demands: Chicago’s are all exclusively about local Chicago issues (housing, funding, policing, etc), and LA’s list is exclusively in response to local Covid-19 issues.

4. Memphis, State of Michigan, and NYC are just Facebook pages.

Somewhere between 15 million and 26 million people took part in Black Lives Matter movement protests since the death of George Floyd. These would be the largest protests in the history of the United States. How many of those people could guess at the existence of an actual, legal, entity called Black Lives Matter Global Foundation, Inc., would probably be an incredibly small fraction. How many of those have any affiliation with any of its chapters would also be incredibly small and few could even guess chapters exist.

The closest the vast majority of people come to an organization, is a generalized understanding of the hashtag and the “movement”. They know literally nothing about any organization. Only a few could profess to champion whatever beliefs, code, or list of demands a chapter might have, if any. The protestors no more represent a national organization than the creators of the hashtag are familiar with any random person who is protesting.

To ascribe whatever actions a protestor or group of protestors might take “in the name of a BLM movement’s march”, to a national organization (that doesn’t exist), is as ridiculous and logic-defying as scolding an anti-abortionist with, “I can’t believe the Roman Catholic Church, via the Illuminati, stands behind firebombing abortion clinics. The shame! I HATE THE POPE!”

It makes no sense.

Hopefully, the current marches result in some police reform at the local level, if nothing else. This may prove to be fruitful. It would be sad if the majority of the impact is merely removal of statues, which although important, is not the overarching goal of the BLM movement as we understand it, or as outlined by any chapter of the loose coalition, or original entity BLM.

The BLM movement, in the form of recent protests, wanted important local and serious national reform. Reform that seemed, for a moment, obtainable in the House passed HR7120. A bill which Debbie Lesko (R. Arizona), the Roseanne Barr of the House, could only respond to with “All lives matter,” and a bill which the Senate promises to never pick up. Even the Senate’s watered-down bill appears to be DOA.

So you see, what Trump did win, was the GOP goal the whole time. The death of any progressive advancement in the issue, similar to every single progressive bill that dies to Senate indifference, competing narratives, confusion, and decay caused by the passing of time.

Donald Trump said: “If nothing happens with it, it’s one of those things. We have different philosophies.”