Understanding Texas’ Anti-CRT Legislation

There has been one bill passed in Texas which is considered their anti-CRT law, that would be HB3979 signed into law on June 16. The newer bill, SB3, seeks to amend HB3979 and has not been passed because their is no quorum in the House to pass it.

There has been a recent bit of noise in how SB3 would strike certain issues of racism, slavery, and inclusivity from being taught in Texas. Like this Huffpost piece and various other similar takes.

Texas Senate Bill Drops Teaching Requirement That Ku Klux Klan Is ‘Morally Wrong’

Eliminated requirements also include the writings of Martin Luther King Jr., United Farm Workers leader Cesar Chavez and suffragist Susan B. Anthony.

To understand how this story is not completely accurate, nor portraying the necessary facts, we have to go back and look at how HB3979 formed.

When it came to very specific topics that must be taught, according to this legislation, the statement in the original bill looked like this:

There wasn’t much in the way of specifics. By the time the bill was in its final form, it contained several dozen specifics. Almost all of which were blue lined out in SB3, to take HB3979 back to something more closely resembling its original form.

So, when these were struck down, the effect was not proclaiming that these things could no longer be taught, it was removing that language from legislation. The implication isn’t that all of these additions were already taught and are now being removed. Furthermore, some of these topics are in fact already taught and this legislation does not remove them from requirements.

Some already exist in Texas Administrative Code:

Keven Ellis, chair of the State Board of Education, told lawmakers that he did not believe the bill would ban anything in the curriculum standards adopted by the board, including for its courses on African American and Mexican American studies. But he suggested adding an amendment to clarify that.


It is important for people in Texas to understand this, because you go to the code to see what is being taught, not knee-jerk reactions in legislation.

Neither bill is anti-CRT legislation. They are touted as such, but neither mentions Critical Race Theory, CRT, or anything about limiting CRT. We could say these are anti-1619 project legislation. Both bills state 1619 may not be required, which is different from saying the 1619 project can’t be mentioned. The language is, “…may not…require an understanding of the 1619 project.”

That’s it. Regardless of the outcome, that’s the only language.

The concerning portions of these bills are language of how one is to approach teaching certain topics.

  1. (1)A teacher may not be compelled to discuss a
    particular current event or widely debated and currently
    controversial issue of public policy or social affairs;

(2)A teacher who chooses to discuss a topic described
by Subdivision (1) shall, to the best of the teacher ’s ability,
strive to explore that [the] topic from diverse and contending
perspectives without giving deference to any one perspective;

What is the result of this language? Teachers are to devise a “whataboutism” to counter a statement of fact? Without deference. The result is not critical thought, it’s Donny Trump style, “Nobody knows.” There are no sure things, it’s all a matter of mushy perspective. The “marketplace of ideas.” How does a teacher teach any current event without worrying about politics? What’s the countering narrative to BLM protests? Proudboy marches? Is that it?

Is the goal not to teach current events at all? When from the top of SB3 it is stated:

(A)A[(1)] the fundamental moral, political, and
intellectual foundations of the American experiment in

…as a theoretical? Is this dead language speaking to the dead? Do future adults have no place in that experiment, except as the morally vague and indifferent?

“How could a teacher possibly discuss slavery, the Holocaust or the mass shootings at the Walmart in El Paso or at the Sutherland Springs Church in my district without giving deference to any one perspective?” Sen. Judith Zaffirini, D-Laredo, asked.


2. School districts may not require, make part of a course, or reward credit for:

i)A lobbying for legislation at the
federal, state, or local level; or
(ii)A social policy advocacy or public
policy advocacy;
(B)A political activism, lobbying, or efforts to
persuade members of the legislative or executive branch at the
federal, state, or local level to take specific actions by direct
communication; or
(C)A[(B)]A participation in any internship,
practicum, or similar activity involving social policy advocacy or
public policy advocacy; and

This language doesn’t make clear that a teacher couldn’t encourage activity in social/justice reform, just that it may not be part of a curriculum or rewarded. However, coupled with the inability of a teacher to take a moral stance, I suspect the point is taken. No SJW’s allowed.

3. Now we get to the what I suppose is the concern about racism, slavery, or sexism being taught in school.

It’s impossible to teach about slavery or sexism without blaming someone! “The poor chillins will get their feelsies hurt!”

(ix)A[(x)] with respect to their
relationship to American values, slavery and racism are anything
other than deviations from, betrayals of, or failures to live up to,
the authentic founding principles of the United States, which
include liberty and equality; and

As in Desantis’ rule in Florida, the Declaration of Independence is the only true history of the US. Everything must be measured in that respect.

And how shall we judge a school district or teacher’s shortcomings in this regard?

vi)A[(vii)] an individual should feel
discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological
distress on account of the individual ’s race or sex;

By how someone feels. How they are made to feel.

If You Hate the Culture Wars, Blame Conservatives

If you hate the culture wars, blame liberals, is a piece attempting to appoint a cause-effect relationship of “culture wars” to the disproportionate rate at which liberals move to the left as compared to conservatives rate to the right, as posited by Kevin Drum. The first thought that comes to mind is “Battered Wife Syndrome.” I realize that is a tad over reactionary, and Mr. Drum is certainly aware that headline would elicit those feelsies. Let’s set that aside…

Almost by definition, liberals are the ones pushing for change while conservatives are merely responding to whatever liberals do.

I really dislike all the work the word “merely” is doing in this sentence.

Mr. Drum is making a very rational argument, fleshed out with supporting charts from various sources. The argument’s point is that the rate at which liberals are moving left, as highlighted through policy positions, greatly exceeds conservative’s march to the right, and liberals are thereby guilty of enflaming “culture wars.” A flaw in this argument is the implication that if both proceeded to opposite sides at the same pace, whether rapidly or slowly, and potentially at equidistance, that the battlefield of “culture wars” would be eliminated. Do you think that is true, or do you get the feeling we might be looking at the wrong data?

Tim Miller does an excellent analysis of Kevin Drum’s piece. Miller agrees that if the point is to soften some policy positions to be more inclusive as a game of politics, the point is taken. Tim says, some of the policies really aren’t a reflection of culture wars. He argues, it is really thought leaders on the right which construct many of the culture wars.

I would further argue Tim’s point, it is the right’s thought leaders’ reaction to, and use of, the prison of social media echo chambers that we have locked ourselves in, that is responsible for the over-arching concept of “culture wars”. Through this device, the construct was created and nurtured as a galvanizing platform for conservatives, as they withdrew from the arena of policy vs. policy warfare the day Obama was elected.

The increasing gap in polarization is no longer properly measured as a battle of opposing policies, it’s a battle of idealistic policies vs. moral imperatives. We’re measuring on the wrong yardstick. Just as the entire process of election forecast polling itself has had it’s comeuppance in its perplexing inaccuracy, framing this divide as a matter of policy differences, shall yield results that are not only inaccurate, those results obscure the actual issue. Those results misdirect us to a cure for the wrong disease.

The truth is, most people agree with a majority of liberal policies in general, including conservatives. How concerned are conservatives with policies? Not much. Was there any problem for conservatives in accepting the 2020 GOP platform submitted as their governing principles prior to the 2020 election? The platform which was exactly one page long and outlined 2 points: 1. Whatever Donny says is fine, and 2. The “media” needs to stop being mean to us.

When the de facto leader of actual “Conservatism” Tucker Carlson was asked, why did the GOP lose its grip on federal government in an interview for Time, he replied, “First of all, they’re inept and bad at governing,” he said. “The party is much more effective as an oppositional force than it is as a governing party.” The GOP isn’t a party of policies. They don’t care.

What are arguably the four biggest “policy” issues for conservatives at this time? The first two are reactions to problems that don’t even exist in CRT-in-K12 and “Election integrity,” the third is a new found concern for the debt, and the fourth is an immigration “policy” stance that is: whatever Biden is doing is for sure wrong. On the horizon, the anti-vax effort will probably surpass all of these by year’s end.

If we want to know what the divide is on a particular policy, bore down on the underlying emotion. Progress from: Where do you stand on immigration policies?>What is your feeling about immigration?>What do you feel about immigrants? Is it compassion and concern, or mistrust and hate? The actual policies themselves aren’t issues for those that identify as conservative, it is the framing of the policy and the underlying emotion that it elicits that is the primary divide.

If we want to know what is driving the polarization which can be framed as a “culture war,” poll for emotional positions as Morning Consult has, with dynamic verbs like this:

*Our country will be destroyed someday if we do not smash the perversions eating away at our moral fiber and traditional beliefs.

*What our country really needs is a strong, determined leader who will crush evil, and take us back to our true path.

Measured in this way, I am confident we will find the right’s march to authoritarian rule vastly exceeds the left’s insignificant move to anarchy in both size and speed.

The right needs to get this under control, not the left. Their leaders- federal, state, and local, need to realize that enacting deranged or antidemocratic legislation, as a reaction to culture war issues that aren’t even real, will not soothe the beast they nurture. An enacted policy is not the endgame for their dissatisfaction. “Winning” the culture war is not represented and put to rest in legislation for the conservative masses(and really the designation “conservative” is no longer useful). Addressing their anger is the only resolution and a fucking law doesn’t do that. If the right’s leadership is unable or unwilling to deal with that, the mobs themselves will slake their own lust.

State Senator Doug Mastriano Wants a Fraudit in Pennsylvania

I wanted to get a basic understanding of how the Pennsylvania Fraudit was taking shape. Rather quickly, I was distracted by the story of a strange audit that already took place in Pennsylvania, that I had forgotten about. Maybe you did too.

Pennsylvania already had a mini Fraudit for the 2020 election cycle, before the Arizona Fraudit, and everything about it stunk.

Do you remember? When it happened, it wasn’t super big news because… well, it just seemed so ridiculous and unimportant in the sea of awfulness we were enduring at the time.

This unbelievable story goes a little something like this(I’m not going to name every player here because it gets too confusing. I find it clearer to just stick to their title/position. if you want you can try to piece most of it together from here and here):

On December 29, 2020, PA State Senator Doug Mastriano requested officials in Fulton County Pa, to allow a company called Wake Technology Services, Inc. to perform an audit of the 2020 elections in their county. Mastriano did not make the request in person. State Senator Judy Ward, who represents that rural county, did on his behalf.

At that time, Mastriano was already a well known proponent of the “Stop the Steal” Campaign in Pa. He would also later participate in the January 6th insurrection. The company Wake Technology Services, Inc., had zero experience doing election audits. Starting to sound familiar? It gets much much worse.

On Dec. 29, Fulton County’s 3 county commissioners were not in agreeance in letting Wake inspect the Dominion voting machines. The 2 Republicans said, sure. The 1 Democrat said, only if nothing is moved and she was present. At the next Commissioners meeting on Jan. 5, The 1 Democrat states, in minutes of that meeting, that somehow the inspection had already happened on Dec. 31, without her knowledge or consent.


  1. There was no contract signed between the County Commissioners and the inspecting company Wake.
  2. It was never discussed exactly who was paying for it, or where the money was coming from.
  3. One of the GOP Commissioners, addressed the issue by saying, he had no idea who was paying for it.
  4. That same GOP Commissioner said, about the reasoning for the inspection and audit was, “We didn’t do it because we thought we did something wrong; we did it to prove Fulton County didn’t do anything wrong.”

On Jan. 12, the commission met again to discussing manually going through the ballots. The Democrat did not approve under any condition and said whomever was interested, should go through the correct legal processes. The motion passed, 2-1. The only people present for the audits were those two GOP commissioners, their tech guy, and Wake’s Staff.

Fulton County is a small, rural county in Pennsylvania. It’s GOP land and pretty much insignificant. Only 8019 people voted there in the 2020 Election. Trump won easily 6,824 to 1085. There were no allegations of any fraud in the county. No challenges. There were no discrepancies. There was nothing. I cannot find anywhere where State Senator Doug Mastriano ever justified this audit.

“We didn’t do it because we thought we did something wrong; we did it to prove Fulton County didn’t do anything wrong.” ???

May 3, 2021, Dominion contacted Pennsylvania’s acting secretary of the commonwealth, Veronica Degraffenreid, to remind her that some unaccredited and uncertified people had been at their machines in Fulton County, which was a breach of contract. The county had to lease new machines for an additional cost of 25k after that was made plain. During the contract dispute between Dominion and the County Solicitor, Dominion mentioned, so…like, where’s this audit report? It’s May. Whatever happened to that?

In response to a public records request from the Arizona Mirror, the county confirmed on May 6 that it had no reports from the company. A week later, the county posted a copy of the Wake TSI’s report, dated Feb. 19, on its website.

Wake Technology Services audited a Pennsylvania election as part of the #StopTheSteal movement (azmirror.com)

Around May 13th, this completely unnecessary report was public. It was actually completed Feb. 16, but never submitted and no one from the county had bothered to ask about it. ?

It’s not worth reading for now. I would say, save this and see how much the Arizona Fraudit report ends up looking like it. You know what I mean? Considering this same company, Wake Technology Services, Inc., went on to work in the Arizona Fraudit, after this batshit crazy audit in PA. Wake then left the Arizona Fraudit with their work only partially done. They allowed the contract to expire and never came back.

Wake Technology Services, Inc. was hired to work in the Arizon Audit by, the Kraken Lady, Sidney Powell’s nonprofit organization, Defending the Republic. Which brings us to the document below. I know Jeremy Duda came across this, but I don’t know when. I can only presume it was around the early May date when Dominion and AZ Mirror started querying about the audit results.

This piece of crap is the “official” request to start the Fulton County Audit from Mastriano. It says, it is “contracted to Defending the Republic”. Which is Sidney Powell’s nonprofit. In other words, the Kraken Lady is the one that paid for the Fulton County Pa Audit.

The audit itself says- nothing was found and we entirely expected nothing to be found. It lists some 5 points that they would consider something that needed to be looked at, as they could lead to problems in the future. For whatever anyone thinks their opinion is worth.

This exercise was a mess from the beginning to the end. But, isn’t it clear this was a dry run for the Arizona Fraudit? And that’s why no one ever gave an explanation as to why it happened at all. Did the “Stop the Steal” folks actually apply anything they might have learned? It sure doesn’t seem like it.

Now consider, the same State Senator Doug Mastriano is trying to replicate this disaster over again in PA.

I think we do need some new election laws in Pennsylvania. Not voter suppression laws. We need State Legislator suppression laws. I can’t believe how easily this was undertaken with no oversight and not a care in the world.

OMFG, Another Teacher’s Union Teaching CRT in K12

Earlier we discussed the largest teacher’s union, The NEA’s, temporarily declared stance on CRT as stated in a recent union resolution. Now it has come to light that the second largest teacher’s union, the American Federation of Teachers(AFT) also had, in June, declared a muddled stance regarding CRT. This tweet was supported in some way, with a video created by GMA, not the union.

Later, this video was reposted by the very man who created this make-believe CRT-in-K12 issue, Christopher Rufo, as proof that it is taught in K12. Rufo is the architect of the CRT-in-K12 narrative. I’d post for you his tweet about how this video is proof that CRT is taught in K12, but I can’t, since he blocked me. It should suffice to say, this is what Christopher Rufo is:


This is where all of the CRT insanity is coming from. This is why we have screaming, deranged, lunatics showing up at schoolboard meetings. Below is the video.

Declaring how teaching CRT is/would be useful, is a major no-no in this climate. There is literally no reason to champion it. It is already taught in a select few Universities; it is NOT taught in K12, but it’s easily assumed it must be by this lazy tweet.

It should be apparent, this video is not a crafted message from the teacher’s union. This is a slapped together GMA production making a half-assed attempt to jump into the issue of CRT in Florida. This GMA video is specifically about Florida. Why the AFT selected this as somehow promoting their ideals, I have no fucking clue.

Recently the ATF has pushed videos, releases, and social media messages that: CRT is NOT taught in K12 and that this entire false narrative is created to try to stop any information in systemic racism from being taught anywhere in the US. That is the correct message.

This should have been the effing message all along. But both unions, and politicians, liberal media leaders, and SJW up and down the effing line, are yelling and screaming in response to the narrative, “OH YEAH??!!! Well we’re going to teach CRT in K12 then! We need CRT in k12! RAAAAAAAAAA!” Thereby giving the false narrative credence, and hardening the exact effing battle line that was wanted all along. The battle line from which Rufo and all those following his lead will now say, “See, told you so.” What he said is now correct in the minds of conspiracy theory Trumpublicans. Furthermore, now that it is established, that this disease has infected the land, we need to find all of the ideas which feel similar. Ideas which in their felt similarity are surely the same, and those must be eradicated as well, when those where exactly the target all along. Everything we don’t like is CRT. We need to write new laws, turnover schoolboards and fire teachers. We need cameras in classrooms. Desantis’ CRT rule and law to thought police teachers and students, is the correct and righteous approach.

Grats to all involved.

Now the video above.

Off the top, this video is about banning CRT in Florida. -Not about teaching CRT. The newscaster says, “The Critical Race Theory Movement.” It’s a movement now apparently. FFS.

The onsite reporter opens with extolling the virtues of CRT. The he segues into discussing the 1619 project out of nowhere, as if these are rightfully joined together. Next he says, “Critical Race Theory is the umbrella term.” Instead of saying what he meant, “Critical Race Theory has been used as the umbrella term to tie all all things anti-racism together.” I’m just baffled. I mean, so far this is a perfectly orchestrated propaganda video for Christopher Rufo. I understand GMA’s good intentions. But this is more than a “disservice,” it’s a fucking disaster.

Next the video cuts to a clip of the AFT’s Secretary Treasurer. I suspect that because he’s in the video, that was AFT’s motivation for tweeting it. Not much thought put into this. He describes what teachers do in schools. They “create magic,” and impart knowledge on a wide range of subjects. He doesn’t say anything about CRT.

To the rage-enduced masses, this tweet and video prove, not only that CRT is taught in K12, somewhere (who knows where) in the nation, but that it’s a movement, it’s an umbrella term for all things anti-racism, and it is exactly the same as 1619. When the point of the video was supposed to be, CRT is banned in Florida but GMA did a total hackjob in trying to give it context.

Not only is CRT not taught in Florida, it’s specifically legislated that it can’t be.

CRT is not taught in K12, but the larger teacher’s union, the NEA, did agree it should be able to be mentioned in schools. CRT is not taught in K12, but the AFT and GMA produced a propaganda video in June for Christopher Rufo that supports all of his wildest dreams.

Crestfallen is a word that comes to mind.