All Protestors are Antifa

On May 31st, shortly after massive protests sprung up nationwide to highlight police brutality and the inequities in many US systems in regards to race, Trump proclaims the US will be declaring Antifa a terrorist organization.

He never did. It is entirely unclear how he thought he was going to go about enacting this designation. The only current means by which it could be done, is inserting this “organization’s” name into the Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) list. Since Antifa, so far as the implication of being a US group, is not foreign, it doesn’t meet that criteria. Since there is no means by which to declare they are terrorists in any organized, or indeed, ongoing legal framework, it doesn’t meet that criteria. Since they are not in any way recognizable as an organization, it does not meet that criteria. There isn’t any part of the F the T or the O, that this “organization” rises to.

Antifa is a political ideology. Its roots go back to anti-fascist groups of WW2. We know that. It continues as an ideology to “stand against fascism,” not an appropriated moniker for a national organization of terrorists. There is no such organization. There is a small organized group in Portland and a very casual, online one in NY (this could be an organization of one person as far as I can tell) that use the name Antifa, that’s it. Most famously, that Portland group organized citizenry to counter protest Portland’s Alt-right protestors in 2018; their involvement in the proceeding alt-right marches is not clarified. Outside of these examples, there is no affiliation, or chapters, or organization of any kind. There is no act of violence attributed to any organized “Antifa” except for a few instances where the person who committed isolated criminal acts, affirmed they ascribed to the ideas of anti-fascism, not allegiance to a nonexistent organization.

The administration and all of it’s arms, have failed to show what Antifa is, where Antifa is, or who Antifa is, and yet, despite this, the Administration and their proxies have declared Antifa to be the driving force in protests whom are responsible for anything ranging from- only the violent aspects of protests to the entire nationwide activity of protesting in general. One thing is for certain, if there are any aspects of ongoing protests that the Administration and their proxies dislike, Antifa is responsible. And this is firmly supported with zero evidence. It’s simply just a known fact, period.

How important is Antifa to Donny? I think a small sample of Donny’s recent tweets and retweets answers the question.

How important is declaring Antifa to be the driving force in the Portland protests to Homeland Security?

It is of utmost import, so important that the rational for finding a way to blame Antifa is outlined in this leaked Homeland Security memo:

It is no longer violent opportunists (VO) that commit illegal activities, it’s been decided we’ll call them “inspired by…,” Violent Antifa Anarchists Inspired (VAAI). Note- this dreadful memo’s logic is supposed to be applied to Portland only…but don’t let that stop you.

The results of the flawed logic in this memo is mind-boggling:

Overall the violence in Portland is not opportunistic violence, it’s ideological violence. That ideology is roughly the same as anti-fascist ideology. That similarity is the same as a nonexistent organization callled Antifa. We realize we can’t lump all violence into this newly defined class, but for sake of unified labeling, we’ll call them VAAI anyway. In practical use, no one is going to use the acronym VAAI, so let’s call them Antifa.

Therefore, all violence in Portland is Antifa, and here is your justification to call all violence nationwide Antifa, and if you’re super-propagandist certified, just go ahead and call all protests Antifa, violent or not.

Example of this illogical framework as played out in the recent William Barr hearing before the House Judiciary Committee:

Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colorado)- “Now the American left is actively cheering as it’s fascist(?) militia Antifa rages in the streets. Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization that hijacks peaceful rallies, organizes armed riots, attacks peaceful protestors, burns buildings, loots stores, and spreads hate.”

“Reports of Antifalinked attacks began in 2017.”

<At Berkely…Antifa.>

<Andy Ngo…Antifa.>

Antifa fascists totalitarian activities are now oozing into other Democrat run cities.”

“What’s worse, Denver’s cowardly liberal leadership ordered police to retreat once they saw Antifa entering the fray.”

“The best our Chairman can do is call Antifa a myth. General Barr, this has to stop, we can’t let Antifa continue terrorizing our country. Can you please tell us about the appropriate use of civil and criminal RICO statutes to address violent criminal groups like Antifa?”

Paraphrasing Barr’s short answer: We could possibly use RICO, that doesn’t mean we have a RICO case pending.

WTF Rep. Buck? Why do you go through this exercise of defining Antifa, delineating its supposed actions of violence as cheered on by Democrats, and then at the end, ask how RICO can be used for organizations like the nonexistent organization Antifa, instead of fucking asking Barr what is going on with the DOJ in regards to their investigations of the “Domestic Terrorist Organization” Antifa? You did not mention any other group like Antifa. It sure sounded like you were super duper interested in Antifa as you spent almost your whole 5 minutes talking about them and then instead of asking about all investigations into this shadowy organization, you asked about RICO as applied to groups like Antifa. To which, there are no cases pending and we both know why Rep. Buck. For that, you need “organized” crime, and Antifa isn’t an organization by any definition, and it is doubtful there exists any group like them that can be classified as such either.

Dear lord.

Mixed amidst this administrations word-game subterfuge is a larger, much larger issue of intelligence gathering by the administration as hinted at in the above leaked memo: the inclusion of the word “cards” refers to intelligence gathered on individuals. There are other such reports for later discussion, but drawing from them for this context, it is noted that intelligence gathered, specifically in Portland as to the nature of the protestors is:

“The DHS memo described the conflict as connected to a years-long history of violence against government personnel and facilities in the Pacific Northwest by “anarchist extremists.” But it acknowledged that “we have low confidence in our assessment” when it comes to understanding the current protests in Oregon’s largest city.

‘We lack insight into the motives for the most recent attacks,’ the memo said.”

From the NY Times; anonymous sources:

“Officials who are familiar with the reports, and who spoke on the condition of anonymity to candidly discuss them, said they are consistent with the department’s aggressive tactics in Portland, and in particular the work of the Intelligence and Analysis Office, which they worried is exceeding the boundaries of its authority in an effort to crack down on “antifa” protesters to please President Trump. He and other senior administration officials have used that “anti-fascist” label to describe people in Portland and other cities who are protesting police violence, as well as others who have vandalized statues and memorials to Confederate officers that they consider racist.”

What we see with our own eyes, is that the narrative is pervasive. To any cult follower, it’s all Antifa. Everything is explained with the term. Antifa. All motivation, every march, every action…especially any criminal one, is directly attributed to the shadow organization Antifa.

There simply wouldn’t be any protests following the death of George Floyd if it weren’t for Antifa. Therefore, since this is a terrorist group, all calls for reform, justice, or equality are not valid. There isn’t any legitimacy.

What Antifa actually is, is the latest incarnation of the boogeyman coming to get you. The Democrats are coming for your guns,your suburbs, and your apple pie. Those damn Democrats and their social platforms that clearly means they are socialists, and since some socialist principles are in Communism or Marxism, then it only naturally follows that Democrats are Communists and Marxists.


The Muslims are coming, The Mexican rapist, drug dealers are coming. OMG the caravans. The communist Democrats will pick them up at the border and drive them to California where they will vote God-fearing Christians out of office. The Post office is coming for you. Liberal commie Hollywood is coming for you. The fake news media is coming for you. STAY ALERT! Everywhere you look, someone is coming for you.

Antifa is the worst of them all! The entire country is burning right before our eyes. Don’t you see? Be ever vigilant for the clear signs.

If you are protesting in Portland, you’re in the Antifa organization.

If you support BLM, you’re in the Antifa organization.

If you wear black, you’re in the Antifa organization.

If you support anti-fascism, you’re in the Antifa organization.

Twitter vs. Parler

On June 24th, Devin Nunes’ defamation case against Twitter, for the insults he received on that site at the hands of “Devin Nunes’ Mom” and “Devin Nunes’ Cow,” was dismissed. Devin Nunes sought to hold Twitter to account as the “content provider” in this case, despite the fact that existing laws dictate that an online social platform is not a content provider where members post data, unless they are party to that information’s creation. The court also found that the allegation that conservatives (here on out, note “conservatives” are not actually conservatives, but what’s left of the GOP that uses the label) or any other class of people were treated differently by Twitter was without basis.

Having lost his case, Nunes began anew a campaign to encourage his followers to leave twitter and join the competing site Parler. Not only did Nunes undertake this encouragement of conservatives to exit the platform, so did many GOP politicians and talking heads starting on June 25th.

Now, I cannot say this concerted effort was a planned event. I cannot say it was anything more than sheer coincidence, or a cattle line, “Me too!” follow. I can say the Trump Campaign weighed in on the same day, the 24th, about moving to alternate social platforms; specifically Parler. So there’s that.

It is clear, the leaders of the GOP insanity are desperate to maintain their sway over the cult at any cost. The news is getting worse, the facts more difficult to avoid, and the eventuality on the horizon has become impossible to avert. Donald Trump will lose the election…by a lot. Therefore, it has become very important to maintain control of the message, and Parler promises less oversight or fiddling in “conservative” affairs. The GOP Hippocratic oath has come into play: “Do harm to protect your personal interests.” It’s every man for himself. The whole “don’t wear masks, it’s a liberal ploy,” just isn’t panning out on Twitter.

To Parler we go!!!

Nevermind the absurdly competing notions of seeking to hold a social platform to account for content, and simultaneously tout the virtues of a social platform that promises to not censor content. Wait, we’re supposed to lament the lack of accountability and also champion the lack of accountability? Yes.

I can tell you with certainty, as is, there will never be a noteworthy presence of liberals on Parler. For the most part, it is exactly what groups other than conservatives, trolls, and conspiracy theorists DO NOT want in a social platform.

On paper, Parler is not all that different from Twitter. Conceptually, it’s the same thing. You have to lift up the hood to see the differences, aside from the cosmetic. The real-life experience on Parler is, you can get away with a lot more inflammatory language then you could on Twitter (F-bombs, smack-talking, trolling, and utter nonsense ’til the cows come home) Update-I got banned. Parler is not about free speech, as noted here.

I could go over each individual difference in the User agreement and TOS, because it is true, there are differences to be found. This is not an exact and entirely complete list.

What is prohibited:

First, let me say, there is no legal power or immunity an online platform can grant you in the face of the law. There is no legal protection in what is allowed and what isn’t on a social platform. Therefore, that Parler decided, for whatever reason, to state several types of felonies that would not be acceptable, does not imply that other felonies are A OK. It simply doesn’t matter what their stance is. Similarly, and the GOP seem to have a great deal of trouble understanding this, we *do not* have all of our constitutional rights on a social platform. We don’t. We do not have a right to free speech, we do not have a right to assemble as we see fit. We have very little in the way of “rights”. What we do have is an agreement, that we are agreeing to when we log on, whether we have read the agreements or not.

Threaten violence against groups or individualsxx
Glorify violencexx
May not promote terrorismxonly of US identified groups
Targeted harassment or incite others to itx
Promote hate speechxx
Suicide or self-harmx
Sensitive media (porn violence)xx
Non consensual nudityx
Platform manipulation (bots)x
Interfere manipulate civic processes (voting)x
Impersonation, deceptionxx
Synthetic manipulated mediax
Unsolicited advertisementsxx
Hateful imagery (swastika)xonly of US identified groups
Inciting fearx
Slurs, epitaphs, racist or sexist tropesx
User name squattingx
Copyright infringementxx
User consents to royalty free use by servicexx
Access to A Pi’s via application processx
Libel defamationnot specifically mentionedx
Blackmail extortion bribery criminal solicitationnot specifically mentionedx
Child sexual exploitationnot specifically mentionedx
May be terminated for any reason or no reasonnot mentionedx
Forced arbitration?x
Forced no class action?x
Forced indemnification, you pay services expenses?Developers onlyx
Share information about you to third partiesxx

Furthermore, even in Twitter’s extremely thorough agreements, they state that even if they change the agreements, they will not enforce changes retroactively. Guess what, they could change the agreement to say they are now allowing new rules to be enforced retroactively. Twitter or Parler could unceremoniously kick your ass out for any reason or no reason at all. Even though only Parler’s agreement says they can do that, the fact that it isn’t delineated in Twitter’s agreement, doesn’t alter the fact they can do it.

Most of the similarities or differences in Twitter and Parler’s agreements don’t really matter. There are a few…that really, really do matter quite a bit.

Parler’s CEO John Maetz answer to censorship is: “I don’t see why you need to censor the president’s tweets,” he said. “If you don’t like what he has to say, vote him out of office.”

*Bots. Not allowed on twitter (of course they exist). Not disallowed on Parler. Which, in this case, with their 30 man workforce, implies no effort will be made to locate them. The opposite is true. On Parler, you are encouraged to use a govt. issued ID to prove you *are not* a bot.

*Interference in civic processes. This means anything to interfere: such as mislabeling or purposeful misinformation. (wrong place to vote, wrong time to vote, incorrect requirements, incorrect candidate information, etc.) Strictly not allowed on Twitter. No mention on Parler.

*Synthetic or manipulated data. Strictly not allowed on Twitter. No mention on Parler.

Take these 3 items as a whole, and there’s potential to do a lot of harm. Post manipulated data concerning candidates, elections, or any civic process (fake, altered vids or soundtracks, faked documentation), get some groovy hashtags to identify it, employ an army of bots to amplify it, and ka-boom. Mass confusion and misinformation.

To conservatives this would be representative of the “Marketplace of ideas,” to be voted on for truthiness in the town square. An expression of our First Amendment rights. It may not be real or true, but it’s right.

Recently there was an interesting story on “Last Week Tonight,” highlighting Kpop’s efforts to not only undermine the Trump Campaign’s reservation system, but to also drown out the #whitelivesmatter hashtag to the point where it was unintelligible and meaningless. It’s neat. But, if the answer to contrary ideas or downright misinformation, like that which is allowed on Parler, is to drown the internet into meaninglessness, I have to wonder if we are reaching the event horizon of the Internet’s “Golden Age.” I’m exaggerating a little, but not much.

*Forced Arbitration. Not on Twitter. Yes on Parler.

*No Class-action lawsuits. Not on Twitter. Yes on Parler.

*Forced indemnification. Not on Twitter. Yes on Parler.

These three together pretty much means, Parler is not going to be responsible for anything. If you manage to file a successful claim against them, your only recourse is forced arbitration. Not only that, you are going to pay for their legal expenses if anyone drags them into court regarding content you upload. You may not form a class against them. Their interests are your sole interest.

In this light, moving to Parler in response to Twitter’s “lack of accountability,” is laughable.

I do think we need some really carefully crafted laws in place to protect both online social platforms, content providers, and services. This is becoming unavoidable.

It is also evident that what remains of the GOP cannot get out of their own way. They want to live in a fact free social world of strong feelings. They want lies and misinformation to be worth the same as truth and facts to the point where everything becomes meaningless. They want social media companies to be policemen of constitutional rights that do not exist. It doesn’t make any sense.

Parler’s community is so lopsided, their CEO. is offering any high profile liberal $20,000 to make a home there. Go ahead take the money and run because Parler, as it stands, will never be anything other than an echo chamber for the delusional, profoundly misguided, and the dregs of society. This does not mean that Twitter is perfect, they are not, but in the current undefined environment, they are doing acceptably well enough.


As a side note, I’ve had 3 accounts perma-banned on Twitter. I know why- I broke the rules. That’s life and I ain’t crying about it.


PS: checked in on Parler after posting this. This appears to be an actual “tweet” in Parler from the CEO:

I’m not entirely sure what he is threatening here, but there are so many things wrong with this. The arbitrary nature of this post, its seeming threat of action from a company officer in public space, and its apparent buy-in to Donny’s fever dream regarding a terrorist designation, indicates a really creepy future for Parler. To me, there is no facade now.

Fox News Gives Twitter the Silent Treatment

Fox News hasn’t posted to twitter for around a day and a half.  Many of the sub accounts, like business, Fox and Friends, and individuals do continue to post to twitter.  Supposedly, this is some type of silent protest from the parent account, to Twitter’s handling of some pretty nasty tweets concerning Tucker Carlson after his house had a late night visit by some folks with a bullhorn.  Several tweets included Carlson’s home address and Fox alerted twitter of this, but apparently those tweets have not been removed.

I have no idea if all of this story is correct because it hasn’t been verified by Fox News itself, but…

Look.  I don’t think this kind of stuff is a “matter of opinion,” no more than dealing with the insanity of the Trump administration is an “interesting political debate.”  I support giving public figures a hard time in public spaces, sans anything physical.  That’s as far as I’d go.  A large group of people showing up at someones home with a bullhorn at night when there’s likely kids inside, yelling “We know where you live,” nah man.  That ain’t okay.

Some people are pointing out Christine Ford is basically on the run and can’t report to work because of all the crazies chasing her and threatening her life.  Therefore, Carlson has it coming too because he demonized her.  No.  That’s not how it works.  We don’t stand for either situation.  We don’t allow either.  It’s not a matter of degrees where one isn’t nearly as bad as the other.  They are both bad.  We reject this.

I fucking hate Tucker Carlson.  Real, honest-to-goodness hate.  I hate that he profits off of the hate that he spews, but we cannot allow this to be the norm.  There’s no end to allowing this.  To do so makes no more sense than the “Good guy with a gun/bad guy with a gun” argument.  They’re all shooting guns with the intent to kill someone.  It’s all bad.