November 17, 2017

Oh Al.

Ya done messed up good.  /sigh

We don’t need to run through all the hypocrisy in detail.  Yes, Trump gave Roy Moore a pass, literally refusing to talk about it.  Sean Hannity managed to construct a way into giving Roy Moore a pass.  He then went to town on Al Franken tonight and segued into going after Bill and Hillary.  Which is super cool.

It’s sad, isn’t it?  Isn’t all of it sad and frustrating.  It’s unfair.

Life isn’t fair.

I’ll tell you what…it’s all going to be fine.  It’ll  take awhile to play out, but it’s all going to be fine.  This isn’t a groundswell from Hollywood transgressions, think about it.   Even the women that voted for Donald Trump would say, “Yeah he is a scumbag, but…”  but what?  Something good will come of his Presidency?  How’s that been working out?

This groundswell is from the actions of Donald Trump.  It’s been stuck in the collective conscience of American women for a year now.  It was indistinct, uncertain when the ground began to shake-there’s bad men out there.  It’s cause was uncertain when structures began to topple-there’s something systemically wrong.  It’s clear now, life can be unfair.  Things don’t happen like they ought to.  Trump was never what you prayed for.

Trump was supposed to be a mad savior.  Turns out he’s just mad.  He started this groundswell and maybe the women aren’t ready to go after him yet, or maybe…after today, some are rethinking that position at least politically.

Certainly, anyone could be made to pay for what they’ve done.  We’ll have satisfaction.  We’ll have justice.  We’ll have justice one at a time and then systemic justice.  O we know what’s coming in Congress.  Fox news shall have it’s little reckoning too. Then, the source of the unfairness and the realization that the focal point of the earthquake resides in the White House.

Trump shall not face his own sexual deviancy in this groundswell, but he will face a reckoning just the same.  I think the cult shall start turning away, led by their women.  His hypocrisy and madness is beyond any type of justification.  It’s pure madness.  The failings of Republican Congress are an extra slap in the face soon to be buttressed by Congressional abusive reckoning.

All of these shortcomings and defects in character are too much for even the casual observer to tolerate.  It may have re-emerged with Weinstein, but it’s ending with Trump.  Shit is going to go crazy beyond what we’ve dealt with already.  Our tolerance for insanity has been slowly increased week over week, and I think the coming weeks will take our breath away in comparison.  It’s going to be a bumpy ride.

Democrats need to do exactly what they are doing, play every card correctly, as they are.  I pray to God they don’t try to overthink this.  Leave the erosion up to the Republicans and the women will take care of the rest.  The landscape will be reshaped like a house of falling cards in which there will be casualties of all types.

A brave new world, my friends.  Let’s not kid ourselves and think men aren’t going to continue to be animals, they’ll just be better at hiding it.